In July 2005, Petar Ingov established ingoStudio with the goal of helping people share their stories through the medium of visual storytelling.
At ingoStudio, we believe in the power of story to inspire hope and change. Our lives are shaped by the stories we hear and tell. Stories help us grow and become our best selves.
Petar Ingov, through his extensive experience and passion for storytelling, has transformed ingoStudio into the go-to destination for anyone seeking to learn about the art and science of visual storytelling.
Our Reviews
We independently test and review tools and software for visual storytelling, artificial intelligence, and writing to help you find the best options for your needs. Our goal is to save you time and eliminate the stress of shopping for the right tools.
We strive to be the most trusted source for recommendations in our field. Our writers and editors won’t post a recommendation unless they have deemed something the best through rigorous reporting and testing.
Our reviews take weeks or months of research and years of experience. We gather interviews and data from the best sources around, including engineers, scientists, designers, and subject-matter experts in visual storytelling, writing, and artificial intelligence. We also pore over customer reviews to find out what matters to real people who already own and use the tools we’re assessing.
The most important thing to us is reader trust. If we were to recommend something due to bias or laziness, readers wouldn’t support our work. We invite readers to fact-check our pieces, which carefully outline the time, logic, and energy we spent researching, interviewing experts, and testing tools.
Meet Our Team
Our team is made up of passionate individuals dedicated to helping you tell your story.

Petar Ingov
The founder of and a renowned 3D Artist and Animator, has been engaged in computer graphics since 1993 and was acknowledged with the esteemed 3DTotal Excellence Award in 2008. Passionate about storytelling through news video editing, graphic design, photography, animation or artwork, Petar strives to make an impact on all viewers with his creations; hoping each one will have something to take away from it.
Ivaylo Ingov
An accomplished author and a passionate advocate for visual storytelling. With a deep understanding of the power of imagery and its ability to convey narratives, Ivaylo has dedicated his career to exploring the art and science of visual storytelling. As a seasoned writer on the topic, Ivaylo’s articles on our website about visual storytelling provide valuable insights and guidance to both aspiring and experienced storytellers.

Reach out to let us know if you need advice in figuring out a particular shopping challenge. Our staff—made of smart and curious people who love to investigate reader questions—will do their best to help.
Learn more about the way we work and our rigorous editorial standards by exploring our site.
Everything you need to get you started developing your own stories.
Resources and guidance for telling stories in the best possible way.
Quick, easy, and efficient way to learn how to create high quality content.
Art Story
Ways to help you find your voice and express yourself through various art forms.